Tuesday, May 15, 2012

grass, love, & lasagna

This photo challenge is getting old. I hope I make it to the end of the month!



And now for the cooking...

This week I made lasagna.  It's a bit of a harder dish, but we went to Olive Garden last Thursday and Lee ordered lasagna.  Afterward he said that the lasagna I make is better, so I wanted to make it.

I got this recipe from my mom, but I don't think she made it up or anything.  Most recipes started somewhere, just not sure where.

Here's what you need for a basic lasagna...

1 lb of beef
Lasagna noodles
1 can of tomato sauce
2 cans of tomato paste
1 1/2 cups of water
1/4 cup onion
2 cups Monterrey Jack Cheese
Cottage Cheese

First thing you would do is to boil a pot of water to cook your noodles (you will need 9-12 depending on how many layers you want to do)

Then you will brown your beef, I usually sautee the onions in a bit of butter and then put the beef in with the onion. (Original recipe calls for a full onion, but I don't think anything needs a full onion).  I also salt and pepper the meat as it cooks, but you could add other spices as well.

Add the water, tomato sauce, & paste to the beef.

Mix the cheeses (grate the Monterrey) together in a bowl.

Put a little sauce on the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan, layer three noodles, then layer sauce, then layer cheese, repeat until you run out of ingredients.  Lastly put some extra Monterrey Jack Cheese on top.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. ENJOY!

We also had green salad and garlic bread.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm impressed you've been doing it for this long, you'll make it to the end of the month! Love the grass photo, so pretty and green!