Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have been learning a few life lessons lately; who are we kidding? I learn them every day, but here are some nuggets of brilliancy for you.

*don't assign things to your students that you don't want to grade
*new shoes did not cure my mysterious "pain"
*something nerdy in me is happy to watch Tron Legacy over and over in the cardio cinema
*there is such a thing as eating too many gummy bears
*hearing kesha on the radio makes me wish I was in spin class
*I can run faster and harder than I thought; even if I feel like I can't go on, I can. And so can you.
*raspberry hammer gel tastes just like raspberry jam, just like that hippy/biker salesman promised it would
*no one in their right mind needs 5 onions; sorry bountiful baskets this is one week when I say

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